Yohimbine Extract: Natural Fat-Burning and Energy Boosting Solution
Discover the Power of Yohimbine Extract
Derived from the bark of the African Yohimbe tree (Pausinystalia johimbe), Yohimbine Extract is a natural compound celebrated for its ability to promote fat loss, enhance energy, and improve overall performance. Trusted by athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and wellness seekers, this natural supplement offers a potent solution for those looking to optimize their health and fitness goals. The bark of the tree contains an active compound called yohimbine. Yohimbe bark was traditionally used as an aphrodisiac.
What is Yohimbine Extract?
Yohimbine extracts is a concentrated form of the active alkaloid found in Yohimbe bark. Its primary action lies in its ability to block alpha-2 adrenergic receptors, which are responsible for fat storage. By preventing fat accumulation and mobilizing stored fat for energy, Yohimbine Extract has become a key ingredient in weight-loss supplements and pre-workout formulas.
In the United States, yohimbine has been used in various Dietary Supplements. In this form, it is more commonly known as yohimbine hydrochloride and has been used for longer than viagra. Yohimbine hydrochloride can also be found as an over-the-counter supplement.
Yohimbine, also known under the antiquated names quebrachin, aphrodin, corynine, yohimvetol and hydroergotocin, is the principal alkaloid of the bark of the West-African tree Pausinystalia yohimbe Pierre, family Rubiaceae (Madder family). Yohimbine is a selective competitive alpha2-adrenergic receptor antagonist that is sometimes used as an alternative, for sexual potency.