Solanum nigrum also known as Black Nightshade or Makoi(h) Kakamachi is a perennial shrub found in wooded areas. The height of the plant is 40cm 130cm and leaves are 4-8 cm long. The fruit, root, leaves, flowers berry and the entire plant is used as medicine. It grows usually in nitrogen rich soil. It has reference of being used since Vedic age. It is an important shrub in Ayurveda. It is characterized by its white flower and purple-black berries. In India, it is found with red berries. The flowers and the berries are arranged in umbelliform.
Common name
Black Nightshade /Makoi (h) Kakamachi
Botanical name and family
Family- Solanaceae
Botanical name- Solanum nigrum
It is extensively distributed in Asia, Europe, Africa, Australia and American continent, but originally it is native to Eurasia. It is seen used in Britain widely since ages. In India, it is found in Shimla, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Tamil Nadu and in many other regions. It grows as a weed with agricultural crops.
Medicinally Nightshade / Makoi (h) Kakamachi is anti-inflammatory, antihepatic, antioxidant and anti-hyperlipidemic. It is proved that ancient people used this as medicine and drug. The herb is diuretic, diaphoretic, anodyne, expectorant alternative.
Who knows that Solanum Nigrum that has toxin content, have anti-oxidant content that is useful for our body. If we consumed it, its natural anti-oxidant can help to attack free radicals that can cause many diseases.
Solanum Nigrum is believed that it has anti-cancer content. It can help to prevent and cure cancer. This thing is caused this fruit has good nutrient for body health, especially prevent cancer.
Solanum Nigrum can be useful as antipyretic that soothing and abate fever in the children. To get the health benefits from Solanum Nigrum, you can consume this Solanum Nigrum fruit with mixing it another vegetables or boiling it.
Scurvy is a disorder in mouth because less vitamin C. Do you know? Consuming Solanum Nigrum can prevent scurvy because it has vitamin C that is useful as scurvy preventive medicine
It is the best medicine for mouth ulcer. People suffering from mouth ulcer can take it as a regular diet and it will heal the stomach ulcer also.
Skin boils, allergy, heat boils, skin irritation can be cured by applying the Solanum extract on the affected area. This green’s paste can act as an external medicine and can be applied to the skin for skin treatment.
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