Amla the Indian Gooseberry is a fruit which has fascinated the medico-research community due to its high medicinal value. Amla or Phyllanthus Emblica, also known as Emblic, Emblic Myrobalan, Mycrobalo, Malecca Tree etc is a major ingredient of globally accepted Ayurvedic preparations like Chyavanaprash and Triphala. It is a rich source of vitamin C, as low molecular weight hydrolyzable tannins containing a molecular fragment similar to ascorbic acid (vitamin C) are the active principles of Amla.Amla, with its high medicinal value is an active constituent of many Ayurvedic medicines used for effective treatment for various diseases including chronic ailments for over 5,000 years. All parts of this deciduous plant are used for a wide range of treatments. The tree is considered because of its outstanding therapeutic values.
Amla (Phyllanthus) is also known as ‘Amlakka‘ or ‘Amlakai‘ in Hindi, which means the “sustainers” or the fruit where the “goddess of prosperity presides”. The other names of Indian gooseberry are ‘Usiri Kaya‘ in Telugu, ‘Nellikkai‘ in Tamil, ‘Nelli‘ in Malayalam, ‘Avala‘ in Marathi and ‘Amala‘ in Bengali. Amla is helps in restoring Vitamin C level in elderly, diabetic patients, hypertensive and women using oestrogen contraceptives. Amla is nature’s best antioxidant. Food rich in antioxidants combat free radicals naturally and without any side effects.
According to a research low vitamin C levels puts a person at risk of developing gallbladder disorders. Taking amla saves one from gallbladder infections. Amlais also a cure for scurvy. Dryamla powder mixed with an equal quantity of sugar taken in doses of one teaspoon thrice a day with milk provides enough vitamin C to beat scurvy.
Amla helps to cure sore throat and cold. For this, mix 2 teaspoons of amla powder with 2 teaspoons of honey. Have it 3-4 times in a day for effective results.
A great source of vitamin C, consume raw amla daily instead of vitamin C supplements as it is not easily absorbed by the body.
Daily consumption of raw amla reduces constipation problem, as it rich in fibres and acts as a gentle laxative. But remember to consume raw amla as powder as juice will not help in this case.
Suffering from mouth ulcers frequently? Then amla juice is the best solution for your problem. Dilute the amla juice in half a cup of water. Gargle with this mixture daily for best results.
Do you know that amla benefits in reducing arthritis pain? It has anti-inflammatory properties which help in reducing the swelling and joint pain of knees caused due to arthritis. Have raw amla or amla juice daily in the morning.
Can’t have a peaceful sleep? Then try this “wonder fruit” to relieve stress and therefore cure sleep disorders like insomnia.
Amla is very useful in improving eyesight. It also reduces reddening, itching and watering. Mix 2 teaspoons of amla juice in half a cup of water and drink it every morning.
Consumption of alcohol, pain killers, medicines etc regularly increases the build up of large amount of toxins in our body. Amla helps in maintaining the proper functioning of liver and bladder, and get rid of toxins. Have amla juice on an empty stomach every morning.
Regular consumption of amla is very good for your stomach, as it balances the acids levels of stomach and thus improving digestion.
Amla is the powerhouse of anti-oxidants and thus helps in fighting off free radicals in your body. Daily consumption of raw amla or juice reduces the risk of many serious diseases including cancer.
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